Why have live betting sites become so popular?

The online sports betting market in the UK has grown incredibly popular, with statistics showing its now worth £650 million. With an annual growth rate of 7%, punters who once had to place their bets in local high street stores before a game are now able to place bets in real time, and from the comfort of their own home.

But with the atmosphere of a local bookies, the chance to catch up with mates and have a good old chat about the game, where is the appeal in live online betting. Perhaps it can be attributed to the rise of quality online betting sites like this one. Let’s investigate below. 

What is live betting and how did it emerge?

Live betting is where a sports bettor can place a wager on a game as it happens live. Players usually watch the game on one screen and bet online on another. The betting odds are altered in real time as the game unfolds and are usually calculated by algorithms. 

Differentially to traditional betting before the game, players have access to more accurate odds and are able to make their own calculated decisions, based on the game performance. What’s more, they can even win the money before the game ends. 

Live betting has been around since the first betting websites began to emerge and have rapidly grown in popularity in recent years. 

Why is live betting so popular?


Travelling to a store to place bets is time consuming and can be inconvenient. There can be queues and sometimes irate customers that you’d just rather avoid. Live betting means that you don’t have to find time to go and place your bets before the game and you can also do it from the comfort of your own sofa. 

It’s also much easier to keep track of your bets in your online account or app, rather than having to keep hold of lots of receipts that you end up losing. 

Times are changing

High street betting stores are beginning to dwindle as more and more people choose to place their bets online. The conveniences of modern life have also made people less tolerant of waiting and more driven to get instant results, which live betting offers. 

Trends show that people who haven’t before shown an interest in sports are now beginning to place bets on games, in order to be a part of the in crowd. It’s never been easier for people of all types to place sports bets as there’s a wealth of live hints and tips as the game plays out. 

Easier for new players

High street betting stores can be clicky. There’s usually a local crowd that is in there on a regular basis, and if you’re a newbie, it can be a little daunting. Live betting sites are more anonymous and welcoming, with plenty of customer support for newbies. New players are often guided through the process, and also greeted by a number of offers.

What’s more, online betting sites usually offer a real community atmosphere with an online chatroom for players to connect, discuss the latest games and share their insights. 

So many choices

Online live betting offers so much more than brick and mortar venues can. Often with larger resources and insights, live betting sites are able to offer more competitive odds and higher cash prizes too.

They also feature added bonuses, free bets leadership boards that promote healthy competition amongst players. 

A source of income

As society becomes forward thinking and tolerant of gambling, gambling professionals have begun to emerge that are able to make a career out of placing bets.

While we wouldn’t recommend you go quitting your day job just yet, online betting sites usually offer eye watering jackpots. If you’re clued up on your games then it’s often so easy to place your bets and watch the money come in without little offer. 

Online sites usually also have safety measures in place too to ensure that players are gambling responsibly. 

Global Reach

Want to bet on the NFL from your London apartment? No problem! Live sports betting online means that you can place bets on a variety of games that are taking place across the world, from the Premier League to the NFL. Just remember to set your clocks back by 5 hours so you don’t miss the game!

It’s more rewarding

Unlike placing bets at a physical venue, online sports betting gives players instant gratification. Place bets in real time and watch the cash come in as the game unfolds. As everything is happening in real time, players often feel more involved in the game too.

Overall, while high street betting stores are still around, there’s no doubt that more will begin to shut their doors as online live betting continues to dominate the market. From being able to place bets from the comfort of your own sofa, to being more in control of the bets you place by making informed decisions, based on how the game is unfolding, live sports betting online seems like the way to go.