Six great signs for Chelsea in their win against Swansea By Yann Tear 14/09/2014 See also: Costa scores hat-trick in Chelsea victory Hazard praised despite 'not pressing well' Blues right to wait for Costa - Mourinho Chelsea v Swansea player ratings Chelsea assessing Drogba ankle injury Drogba trains ahead of Schalke clash Chelsea boss respects Lampard's decision Costa to start for Chelsea at Man City Follow West London Sport on Twitter Find us on Facebook
15/09/2014 @ 4:00 pm
Congratulation to chelsea football club in the weekend win against swansea and congratulation to diego costa for a hatrick hero and welldone to jose morinho and his coaching staff for a work well done.
15/09/2014 @ 8:57 am
Chelsea keep up
14/09/2014 @ 7:40 pm
chelsea iz ready to win