Real vs. Fiction: Unraveling Casino World Stories

Gambling establishments are surrounded by all sorts of stories. Some of them are real and others are fake, especially where they operate illegally. These very stories gradually turn into interesting facts that entertain the gaming audience.

The top three most interesting facts about casinos and gambling 

  • Gambling has helped FedEx survive 

FedEx founder Frederick Smith was looking for steps to keep his company afloat. In 1973, he decided to take a trip to Las Vegas with his $5,000. The plan worked and while playing blackjack, he won a whopping $27,000 dollars that helped him out of a difficult situation.

Currently, his company:

  1. Is valued at over $5.5 billion dollars.
  2. Has a staff of 40 thousand employees who work in different parts of the world.
  • Sandwich founder’s gaming addiction 

The fourth Earl of Sandwich John Montague had a fame of a game addict. One day, after an hour-long game, he was hungry, but he didn’t want to leave the game.

While immersed in a lengthy gaming session, the need to eat without breaking focus can inspire inventive solutions, much like the famous story of Montague. He asked his personal chef to prepare something that could be eaten without interrupting the game, leading to the creation of a simple yet revolutionary meal. 

The chef toasted some bread and placed meat in between, crafting a meal that could be easily handled and eaten. This new dish was very much to Montague’s liking and he fully supported the idea, which later became popular in various settings. 

Similarly, gamers and enthusiasts who prefer not to interrupt their gaming sessions for a login process might find the Fairgo casino login mobile option particularly useful. This feature simplifies access to games, allowing for a seamless continuation of gameplay on mobile devices.

  • 1895 – invention of the slot machine 

After the invention of the slot machine in 1895, Charles Fey placed it not in the casino, but in the machine store where he worked. Customers visiting the outlet quickly appreciated the novelty and experienced happiness on it.

In time, this San Francisco resident left his position as a mechanic and became the founder of a new business. He sold the slot machine to casinos, not realizing that in the future they would provide half of the money turnover of gambling establishments.

Casinos: interesting facts that will shock you 

  • The location of the largest casino is Macau, not Las Vegas 

The autonomous Chinese city of Macau is currently home to the largest casino by square feet. Gambling is notoriously illegal in China. Except that the city is autonomous, and therefore the activities of the gambling law do not apply to it.

For the past decade and a half, Macau casinos have been assisting in the development of the local economy, creating thousands of jobs.

So, Las Vegas, it turns out, is far from the Mecca of gambling, although a major center of industry development.

  • Brian Zembick is a professional gambler and betting enthusiast 

In the 90s of the last century Brian Zembick was known as a popular gambler and magician. He was characterized by a great love for casinos, but he gained popularity with his addiction to betting on literally everything.

He once bet that he would get breast implants to live with for a year. If the move was successful, those at the table would have to give him $100,000.

He did so and walked around with implants for two decades.

  • Casino at the Nevada State Penitentiary 

For 35 years (from 1932 to 1967), Nevada State Prison operated a casino where inmates:

  1. Bet on sporting events.
  2. Played blackjack, crepes, and roulette.

A new warden who came on duty in 1967 thought the establishment’s rating was declining and shut it down. Since then, no one else has dared to reopen the casino.

Gambling industry facts to know 

  • The emergence of roulette dates back to the 17th century 

Roulette was invented by Blaise Pascal back in 1665. But it wasn’t the only thing the inventor got a kick out of. As a mathematician, he was obsessed with the number 666. That’s why all the numbers on the roulette wheel add up to 666. Clever mathematicians are fans of inside jokes.

  • The holder of the first casino license in Las Vegas is a woman 

Currently, the owners of casinos are men. However, not everyone knows that the first license in 1920 was obtained by a woman, Mame Stocker.

She operated her small store-casino, which was located in the center of Las Vegas. Five games were offered, which at the time were classified as legal:

Game Name Description
1 Bridge A trick-taking card game using a standard deck, known for its strategic complexity.
2 500 A trick-taking game similar to Euchre and Bridge, involving elements of bidding and trumping.
3 Lowball Poker A poker variant where the lowest hand wins, inverting traditional poker hand rankings.
4 Stud Poker A form of poker with a combination of face-up and face-down cards dealt in multiple rounds.
5 Draw Poker A poker game where players can replace cards in their hand, adding a strategic element.

Monaco citizens cannot visit the famous Monte Carlo casino 

Monaco is one of the richest casinos in the world, but it is forbidden for its citizens to visit the Monte Carlo Casino. For the past one hundred and fifty years, the casinos have entertained wealthy celebrities and other rich people from all over the world.

In 1863, Princess Caroline banned it for all citizens who are appeased by the fact that they don’t have to pay taxes on the profits.

Gambling is something that Japanese people gamble through loopholes 

Gambling has been banned by the Japanese government. You can only gamble by taking advantage of one loophole. There are several Pachinko parlors in the country, which offer games on slot machines, for which players receive silver balls.

Such rewards can then be exchanged for toys, alcoholic beverages or other prizes. Those wishing to obtain cash visit special stores regulated by the state and receive an equivalent payment.


In conclusion, the world of casinos is a fascinating blend of reality and myth, with stories that captivate and intrigue. From the desperate gamble that saved FedEx to the accidental invention of the sandwich, these tales highlight the unexpected impact of casinos on various aspects of life and history. 

The evolution of gambling machines, the peculiar regulations in places like Monaco and Japan, and even the unusual bets of gamblers like Brian Zembick, reflect the diverse and often surprising nature of the casino world. These stories, whether real or embellished, not only entertain but also offer insights into the human fascination with luck and chance.