The new ‘home of cricket in Hammersmith & Fulham’ unveiled

New cricket facilities have been unveiled at South Park – coinciding with the start of the Ashes.

The popular park on Clancarty Road in Fulham now boasts two England Cricket Board-approved artificial wickets and two new cricket nets.

It has been funded by a £55,000 grant to the Friends of South Park from the London Marathon Trust, with nearby Thomas’ School donating £2,000 towards the scheme and Hammersmith & Fulham Council pledging £6,500.

“These brand new cricket facilities are some of the best available in west London and could be used to nurture potential Ashes stars of the future,” said H&F Council’s deputy leader Cllr Greg Smith.

“To make matters even better, the facilities have been installed at very little cost to the taxpayer – howzat for a good deal?”

Alex Kennaugh of the Friends of South Park said: “As the only cricket pitch in the borough, the Friends of South Park are thrilled to see a joint effort by the council and dedicated committee members come to fruition with the installation of the cricket nets in the park.

“We hope this is only the first step in establishing South Park as a hub for cricketers of all ages across the borough and beyond.”

And further sports improvements are in the offing.

The park’s multi-use games area (Muga) is to be completely revamped, with markings painted for three full-size netball courts.

Floodlighting and fencing will also be improve, with other sports such and football and mini-tennis still hosted.



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