Conte on Costa, Holland’s future, Man City, De Bruyne and Spurs’ title chances


Chelsea boss Antonio Conte addressed a number of issues at his press conference ahead of Saturday’s game with Manchester City. Here is some of what he had to say.

On the team news ahead of City game

“We have to check the physical condition of one or two players, then [wait until] tomorrow to decide the line-up. Which players? I prefer to keep this secret.”

On City

“I think it is a really tough game – a great test for us, for our formation, to continue this way [of winning].

“We know that it won’t be easy because we face a really great team, with great players, with a good idea of football, and great organisation.

“But also we want to show that we are working very well and we are growing. I think that tomorrow is another step to show us if something has changed compared to the start of the season.”

On whether this among the biggest games of his managerial career

“For sure, it is a big game. But this season we played also big games against Arsenal, Liverpool, United, Tottenham – in this league every game is a big game because this league is very tough.

“For me, it’s my first season in England and these games are new in my career and my experience. It’s fantastic.”

On Pep Guardiola

“I have great respect for him because Pep likes to study football, he likes to find always a new solution, he like to give an idea of football to his team.

“It’s not easy when you have an idea of football to transfer this a few times [to Barcelona, Bayern Munich and now Manchester City] but I think that he’s a fantastic manager because when you see this team, I recognise an idea of football.

“Guardiola is doing, for me, great work. I think that he found a good situation at Manchester City because there are two people [sporting director Txiki Begiristain and CEO Ferran Soriano] that worked with him at Barcelona.

“He found the right situation to put across very quickly his idea of football. He’s working very well. When I see Manchester City I see an idea of football I like.”

On Guardiola as a player

“I don’t remember if I played against him. He was a fantastic midfielder. We had different characteristics – he was more a pivot in front of the defensive line, I was more offensive, with penetration.

“I think that I ran more than him but he thought more than me with the ball. I think [we were] two good players that in their career won a lot, but also lost a lot – me, for sure!”

On the differences between him and Guardiola as coaches

“Every team has their own characteristics and their own idea of football. All of Guardiola’s teams like to have possession of the ball for many minutes and to find penetration between the lines, or to find one-v-one on the flank.

“But I think every single manager has their own idea of football. For example, I’m more straight towards the goal and [with] less possession.

“But there are a lot of ways to reach the win, for this reason I always have great respect for every idea of different managers.

On Kevin De Bruyne

“De Bruyne played with Chelsea and I think he’s a really great player. It’s a pity that now he’s playing for another team, for sure, because he’s a fantastic player. But now he plays with Manchester City and I wish for him the best after our game.”

On Steve Holland’s future at Chelsea following Gareth Southgate’s appointment as England boss

“The situation is very clear. Steve is one of my assistant coaches and he’s working very well.

“He has been working for Chelsea for many years and I’m very happy for his commitment, for his attitude, for his work rate. He gives me great help.

“I don’t know what happens in the future. This matter is for the FA but I repeat I am pleased to have him as my assistant coach.”

On the first half against Tottenham

“The first half against Tottenham was very difficult, but usually when you have this type of difficulty you can learn a lot.

“This week we studied a lot our first half, to improve in the future, but it’s important also to understand the last game we played against a top team, with a great squad, with a great manager, who last season fought for the title until the end, while we arrived in 10th place.

“This season, to see Tottenham seven points behind us is a great achievement for us. We played against a really strong team, and I think Tottenham can fight until the end to win the title.

“I showed them the first half and we learned a lot about this. But I think if we were the team of the start of the season, [in defeats] against Liverpool or Arsenal, I’m sure we’d lose this type of game.”

On Diego Costa

“I’m pleased for Diego because he is showing a great respect, great passion in the right way during these games.

“Also, its great to talk about Diego in a positive way, and not a bad way. I remember at the start of the season, the only questions about Diego were ‘yeah but this passion is not good, try to change his behaviour, his attitude’.

“I think that Diego is playing very well and his attitude, his behaviour is fantastic. Now it’s important to continue in this way.”

On finally conceding after six straight clean sheets

“We conceded a goal in the last game against Tottenham and for sure when you arrive after six wins in a row without conceding a goal there is a bit of a disappointment but it’s normal.

“[Christian] Eriksen scored a fantastic goal. But also I think that against Tottenham we didn’t concede chances [for them] to score another goal.

“We have to continue in this way and in every game to be solid. Tomorrow is an important test for our solidity.”