WAGs and Their Contribution to Football Players’ Success

The life of a professional football player is a rollercoaster: there are times when you win and feel great, and there are times when you lose and your motivation drops dramatically. To achieve success in the long run, athletes need someone to become their “personal cheerleader” who will always support them in whatever situation. 

Typically, the role of a cheerleader is played by girlfriends and wives, whose unconditional love makes athletes achieve new heights. So, today, we will talk about the women who stand behind the backs of the players and invisibly contribute to the team’s success.

The Ways WAGs Contribute to the Player’s Wellbeing 

Make football players feel loved and valued

When football players know that there is a special person who loves them and supports them, they are more motivated to win. They want to play their best not just to prove that they are true professionals but also to make their close people proud of them. Understanding that a romantic partner is watching the match always boosts player performance and potential.

Create a sense of home

Football players travel a lot, which can make their lives feel a bit hectic. So, it’s important for them to have a home where everything feels nice and cozy, where they can relax in a peaceful atmosphere and recharge with positive energy. Women make houses feel like home, and that’s another way WAGs contribute to the psychological well-being of the athletes.

Control the diet

WAGs are not always in charge of cooking, because many athletes hire private chefs. But still, to some degree, wives and girlfriends control the quality and quantity of the meals consumed by football players. If a WAG notices that the athlete fails to keep the diet, she will help him to make the necessary adjustments and get nutrition back on track.

The Challenging Part of Being a WAG

Most young girls dream about being in a relationship with high-profile sportsmen, but the role of WAG is not for everyone. Once the girl starts dating a celebrity, paparazzi follow her, exposing her private life to the public.

Society’s pressure is increasing: Everyone comments on how the WAG should look, what she should do, and how she should behave in every situation. It’s challenging to meet everyone’s expectations, so some girls dump their famous boyfriends simply because they can’t handle the pressure.

That’s why many football players hide their wives and children and never discuss their private lives with journalists. They protect their loved ones from publicity and all its negative consequences.

Where Do Football Players Meet Their Wags?

Some football players are in relationships with women whom they met before they became famous. For instance, Chelsea’s ex-player Thiago Silva met his wife, Isabele da Silva, in Brazil when he was not yet a celebrity. Nathan Ake married Kaylee Ramman, his childhood sweetheart.

Other players find their romantic partners at public events, charity dinners, and private parties for celebrities. That’s how Andreas Christensen met Katrine Fogt Friis, a Danish model.

Some football players don’t like publicity and do not visit public events much. They use dating services to find their Mrs. Right. LGBTQ players use Taimi, a safe app for meeting queer people.

Wrapping Up

The success of a professional football player is something more than just the result of hard work, talent, and dedication. Success greatly depends on whether or not there are people who support the athlete and motivate him to keep going. 

WAGs contribute to the success of football players in one way or another. Most players appreciate this contribution and choose long-term relationships over random romantic affairs.