Categories: Brentford

Saunders is Brentford’s poster boy

Brentford are taking advantage of the west London traffic – by using local buses to advertise their Family Ticket offer.

An image of Bees star Sam Saunders being held aloft by team-mates will adorn the back of buses on the 237 and 65 routes.

“We want to raise awareness about Brentford Football Club in Brentford and the surrounding areas,” explained general manager Mark Devlin.

“As we are all aware, the traffic in west London can be terrible at times, so we have got ourselves an advert that will be seen by a large number of drivers and pedestrians all over the area.”

For a number of years the club has taken advantage of being on the flight path to Heathrow by allowing companies to advertise on the top of the stands at Griffin Park.

And they hope their latest venture will help them pick up local support.  

Devlin added: “We particularly want to tell people about our family tickets. It is just £30 for a family of four to come to a game and we know this is one of the best deals in London for family entertainment.

“Both buses run through Brentford – the 65 runs right past the BIAS Stand in Ealing Road and through areas we are targeting to try and increase crowds.

“We felt it was time for the club to be more proactive about the fact we are here and try to give those who live in the area a reason to come. We haven’t said enough in the past about what a fantastic deal we offer for families.

“We negotiated a very good deal for the advertising and we hope to see a return on our investment.”

Family tickets are available for all League One games at Griffin Park.

It costs  £25 for one adult and two children to sit in the family area in the Bill Axbey Stand and £30 for two adults and two children.

This post was last modified on 01/11/2011

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West London Sport