10 benefits of sport in high school

For decades, athletics has been a staple of high school life. The field has only grown in recent years, offering more competitive options for both male and female students. Many students participate in high-school athletics simply for the love of the game. However, these activities also have significant benefits. There are 10 benefits that high school sports can offer students, some of which parents and students may not realize.

Community Representation

Club sports are a very popular pastime for students as well as college recruiters. However, it is still worth playing on your high school’s team. Unigo states that high school students can gain the benefits of representing their local community on the court or field. These students enjoy the excitement of team rivalries as well as the satisfaction of being able to praise their school for a job well done. If the student excels in his sport, this feeling of community and honor may carry over to college athletics.

The Importance and Usefulness of the 3 “P”s

Bidforwriting.com has an article about the three “P’s” student-athletes who learn beyond the classroom: patience, persistence, and practice. Even when they’d rather be with their friends, team members discover that practice is necessary. They discover that the more they work, the more they perform better. They discover that if they don’t give up, they are more likely achieve their goals. These life lessons are beneficial for students even after high school, and help them to succeed in college.


It is important to recognize the importance of high school athletes participating in sports. A 2006 report by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) found that female athletes who are allowed to participate in high school athletics have a higher body mass and weight. According to a 2001 survey, students said they wouldn’t spend as much time watching TV or playing video games after school if there were other activities.

Research also suggests that high school student-athletes are less likely than other students to engage in risky or unhealthy behavior while playing sports. The NFHS also cited a 2002 Department of Education study that showed students who did not spend time in extracurricular activities were 49 percent less likely to use drugs, and 37% more likely to become teen parents. These numbers were dramatically improved by spending just four hours each week in extracurricular activities like sports.

Improved Academics

The average GPA for high school athletes was 2.84. A survey by the Minnesota State High School League was conducted in 2007. It was reported by the NFHS. Survey results also revealed that student-athletes missed less school than their counterparts who were not involved in athletics with an average of 8.8 and 7.4 days, respectively.

A second study, published in Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise in August 2007, found that students who are active in sports such as soccer, football, and skateboarding perform 10 percent better in core subjects like science, math, and language arts. These academic benefits are available to all students, regardless of their ability, at all levels.

Collaboration and Teamwork

We Play Moms describes how students see the impact of their performance on the team. Students must find their place in the team, regardless of whether they are a leader or a support role.

Positive Mentors

High school athletics is filled with positive mentors. These include the coaches and the team leaders. Students are taught to collaborate with many authority figures who teach them valuable lessons about respect, hard work, and sportsmanship. Mentors such as these can help student-athletes make positive choices that will last a lifetime.

Social Relations

Many students who are involved in sports form close friendships with other members of the team. These friendships are vital for students’ mental, emotional, and physical well-being throughout high school. Students form close bonds over shared interests. They also bond over time spent together at games and practice, which can often last well beyond high school.

Leadership Skills

Students learn leadership skills as they move up the ranks in high school teams. Senior athletes should encourage and hold younger teammates accountable. Senior athletes are expected to set an example and offer advice and guidance on and off the pitch.

Time Management

Students spend a lot of time practicing and playing games, which leaves little time for schoolwork and other activities. If athletes want to finish their tasks on time, they must master time management skills. Growing Up In Santa Cruz said that it helped him time-management. It impacts when I have schoolwork to do and when I need to practice.

Success Mindset

We Play Moms describes the mindset that student-athletes need to be successful. It includes:

  • Time management skills
  • Creativity is key to finding new ways to improve
  • Concentration and focus development
  • Internal skills for handling pressure
  • Learn when to take chances
  • Accepting responsibility for your own performance

These skills are useful beyond the high school level. Students who are athletes will reap the benefits of their training throughout their entire lives.